Portsmouth College

Last year Trilby supported Portsmouth College with their student intake day, to help prospective students get excited about the implementation of devices in the college for the next academic year. Using iPads, we filmed current students and prospective students in front of a green screen to give us some interesting facts about Portsmouth and the College itself. Our aim was to show both students and teachers just how easy it was to create engaging content with simple work flows to achieve high quality outcomes. We uploaded and shared these interviews across the school and took over all digital signage around the school using our video sharing app, TrilbyTV.

This went down with great success and as a result we were invited to do the same this year, for two introduction days at the end of June. We involved students, teachers and prospective pupils to have fun with iPads, creating video interviews using green screen. With their iPads being fully implemented and used for the first time in this academic year, we wanted to get a feel for how their devices have impacted on both teachers and pupils. We then share these experiences with the other students attending the introduction days, by displaying them across the school on their screens and in the main hall. We quizzed Portsmouth College's 'Digital Student Champions' on what they have gained by having access to the devices and how it may have differed without the available technology. We also asked the 'Digital Teacher Champions' questions about its affect within their classroom and teaching methods. Both groups gave very informative answers and great ideas as to how students will find the impact of tablet technology within their learning environments. We also used VidRhythm, a really fun music creation app, which allows sounds created by the users to be transformed into a fun and colourful music videos, to get the prospective students more comfortable with the technology, they will be using when they join in September.

The students and teachers were delighted with their videos and amazed at how quickly they could be shared to the big screen in the main hall, many taking pictures of their newfound stardom.

Both introduction days were very successful and Portsmouth College were thrilled with the participation of Trilby to help create an engaging and fun experience and could see the value of having student driven videos celebrated on their wonderful displays around the school.

To find out more about how TrilbyTV can help celebrate student work, visit TrilbyTV.co.uk for more information.