Trilby Office Hats

1st October 2013 was Trilby's 20th Birthday. It's been an amazing 20 years which has seen us grown from a 2 person 'working from home business' to 11 of us productively working away in the Loveday Street, Birmingham offices. We've had many join and leave over that time, all of whom have left their mark in some way on the Trilby machine.

Back in the early 90's we started running bulletin board systems and creating products on floppy disk. We travelled via CD-ROMs and the birth of the world wide web and are now happy in the world of mobile and online technologies. Our consultancy arm has spoken with thousands of people gathering a huge amounts of opinions, facts and information. While our training has gone from a few occasional days to seeing us work with over 1,000 schools and countless teachers per year.

We have over 50 products under our belt from books, to interactive multimedia content to online training systems and now iOS apps which are making a world of difference to those who are using them. As a software company with such a direct contact with our client group and end users we are unique. Ideally placed to work on education projects and products with access to those who will be using them on a daily basis.

As we look forward to another successful and exciting few years I would like to say a big thank you to all who have been part of our journey - exciting things are happening in the world of technology and we're approaching all of it with wide open eyes.

Happy Birthday!